Jun 19Liked by Bill Sawalich

I briefly quit using Adobe in 2020 because even with a high spec laptop, PP crashed constantly. Going more than 15 to 30 seconds without hitting ctrl s was a recipe for frustration (it felt like using a buggy beta program). So I looked for alternatives and found them in Capture One and Davinci Resolve. Capture One actually worked better with Nikon raw files than LR and why anyone uses anything but Resolve for video editing post 2020, I don't understand. But I only made it about six months before missing things (and layers) that I can only get from PS. And that's how they got me. I still hate the subscription model with a passion though, so I'm happy to see any wrist slapping they can get for strictly schadenfreude reasons.

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Jun 19Liked by Bill Sawalich

The Adobe terms and conditions update was the final straw for me. After an almost thirty-year business relationship with that company, I canceled my $60/month Creative Cloud subscription. I have replaced them with the Affinity Suite by a company called Serif. The learning curve is surprisingly easy, and I pay them a fraction of what I pay Adobe.

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Jun 19Liked by Bill Sawalich

I do hope that Adobe, takes it in the shorts.

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I get the impression many (most?) of their customers feel this way.

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Sawalich

Hold up - you don’t like an Oxford comma??? Bro. I don’t know if our friendship can survive this.

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It’s true. My first big boy job was magazine copy editor, so AP style was beaten into me. Now I’m permanently conditioned to find that extra comma annoyingly superfluous.

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