Jun 7Liked by Bill Sawalich

I know what you mean about being more energetic the busier you are… a body in motion stays in motion. This has been a slow year for me, but I decided early on I was going to work on an ongoing side project throughout the year. Something I’ve never done. My creative endeavors have always come in intense spurts of a couple weeks, where I completely drain every last ounce of energy by the end. I’m trying to slow it down this year and hold focus on a single endeavor. It’s given me a grounding point and kept me in motion when things are quiet. I’m learning quiet is actually the best time for true creative pursuits. My partner who is also a creative calls it “Monk Mode.” You have to block out the noise, which is basically everything else.

I’m grateful you decided to take on this particular creative endeavor. It’s an important one for culture, community, and I’m sure your own sanity. I look forward to your take!

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Hey, thanks so much Ashley. I appreciate your comments and your support since the beginning!

I love the idea of "monk mode." I think that might be where I try to be when I'm writing.

"An object in motion tends to stay in motion" is the perfect way to say it. And it's funny, even after putting the finishing touches on this piece and hitting "publish," I feel a bit more creatively energized than I did yesterday. Interesting how that happens. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but it feels very real.

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